Tue 21 Jan
THE * *VIXEN* N E X T * D O O R }Highly skilled &HUNG; like a Horse•HEIDI ME LONG 10inch - 23
(Columbia, broad river)
****HERE 1 MORE DAY! TS SUNSHINE! It's me..or it's FREE! 803 577 2905! Two Girl Sessions Available! - 32
(Columbia, Columbia,SC)
Carolina's Sweetest is in town Ashlee Michelle ts ( You will love me Now.....) - 25
(Columbia, columbia sc)
ErosGuide Authenticated- Visiting 6/11-6/12 Thursday- Friday Dom Top Mistress - 26
(Columbia, Downtown Colombia /Vistas/ Huger St)
Exotic Ebony TS Goddess Here For A Very Short Time Only Exotic Ebony TS Goddess Here For A Very Shor
4 ur GUARanTED PLEAsuRE THE BesT U WiLl EvER HavE TS CAMILLE 678-595-7583 - 24
(Columbia, Columbia / Two Knotch Rd)
💋Available Now ....VIP and Qv Specials Available 😘💋 Vixen Ts Kandace - 23
(Columbia, West Columbia (i26))
60$💓♏TsJasmineGotti♏💓 Exotic Beauty 🌴🍍😻60$All Natural & 100 % Real & Alwase Available 🚦🏪60$🚥 - 24
(Columbia, Columbia / Broad River)
Available Now (Non-Rushed) ....$60 Specials Available 😘💋 Vixen Ts Kandace - 23
(Columbia, West Columbia (i26))
Best Rates Available Now (No Rush No Limits) Tumblr Link👇 Ts Kandace📲 646-480-7944 In/OutCall Avail - 24
(Columbia, West Columbia i26)
Bi-Racial TS SUNSHINE..NOW IN Lancaster!.803 577 2905! IT'S WORTH THE DRIVE!!! 100% REAL PICS!!! - 32
BooTY So Thick & So Seductiv * STACK FROM THE FRONT TO THE BACK * BooTY So Thick & So Seductive * - 21
HARDCORE FUN█▒ █▒ ╠╣OT ★VERSATILE T.girl ★█▒PARTY GIRL █▒ HUNG 9.5 Thick █▒ █▒ R - 19
(Columbia, upscale location 2notch rd)
I like a man in black dress socks 💋 💋
(Charleston, Columbia, everywhere, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach)
100% Passable Courtney 9.5 inches(919-236-8455) Available 24/7 All Week - 21
(Charleston, Rivers ave)
🔥Avail. NOW Qv/HHr/Hr Specials (No Rush No Limits)🎦Proof Vid Avail👍 Vixen Ts Kandace📲8434616592 - 23
(Columbia, Two Notch rd)
❤*¨¨*❤Beautiful Sexy Ts LATINA Adrianna visiting short time.Arriving 2morrow at 3pm❤*¨¨*•. ; .•*¨¨❤ - 25
(Charleston, AIRPORT AREA)
🌅 Available Now...Early Bird Qv Specials 40😘💋 with Vixen Ts Kandace - 23
(Columbia, Lexington (i26))
31 videos click below to watch fourty dollar specials for it all no rush just arrived💋💋💋 - 22
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Greenville hotel, Hilton Head)
🔑✨TS👑Jackie👑💋🌟FF& HUNG🌟 704✨345✨2151👇🎥Website Verified 📹 - - 20
(AVAILABLE NOW-Two Notch Rd, Columbia)
👅👅💞💞🍒🍒Total 💯satisfaction ,☑Ms.Ebony☑ Gripps☑ ill make a 💪💪groan man moan👅👅💞💞🍒🍒 - 24
(Columbia, Columbia ,2notch)
Upscale/Unrushed Gentlemen VISIT ME TODAY! The Finest, DISCREET LADY-FRIEND! - 33
(Columbia, COLA 5mins from USC Stadium)
Try not to fall in love Thick n Adorable, ask for my special👅 💋A night you won't 💋 📖 40$qv - 19
(Columbia, Gardner's ferry)
wait until you see a impeccable perfection - 24
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, South Carolina)
Your BEST Friend w/ "Benefits" (803)221-0431 ★READY NOW★ Upscale Companion for Upscale Gentlemen™ - 24
(Columbia, Northeast Columbia)
{{ Umm New pics }} ♥ { InCall Special } ♥{{U know u want It} ★ ¸.•'´¯❤ ★ ¸.•'´¯❤ - 30
(Columbia, Columbia/northeast)
$%$ Up$cale $%$ Gorgeous $%$ Passionate$%$ Princess$%$ The $%$ Total $%$ Package $%$ - 22
(Columbia, ❤ 💋 ❤InCalls Or OutCalls ❤ 💋❤)
WARNING! █ █ █ ► Jasmine, Erika & Britney Visiting Thursday 2/28 Noon-8pm!!! ◄ █ █ █ - 25
When It's Hard And You Need To Get It Worked Out With In Calls Available - 22
(Columbia, northeast/elgin/clemson rd/pontiac)
Thick Film Star H3rsh3y Ra3!! Available Now (336) 609-2255 Call Me Now!!! - 30
(Columbia, Two Notch Rd.)
Too thick to sexy...tonight let's make magic 40 qvs all night Even 30 top off specials I'm the best - 19
(Columbia, Gardner's ferry)
The Two Best In Town! Have Both Or Choose 1!!! Call Now 704-640-0350!!! - 28
(Columbia, St. Andrews)
Super Red's grip is something serious! WARNING girls are stealing my pics read my ad!! - 21
(Columbia, two notch rd columbia incall)
(Columbia, LEXINGTON / US 1)
😇👄👅Tired of the disappoinment? and the SLACK appointments?!💋💎CALL 24/7/365!!! - 21
(2 notch rd, Columbia)
♡♥♡☆★☆→→→This sexy red head is ready to please u not tease u. Come play with me im a bad girl!!♡♥¤☆ - 25
(Columbia, harbison area(upscale area))
~SuPeR DoM!!! ~I'aM On ThE WaY~ So GeT ReAdY 2 HaVe FuN~ M *U* A *H * ~ Be ThErE @ 2:00pm - 27
★• _T_H_E •☆• _F_U_N_ •★• S_T_A_R_T S •☆• H_E_R_E •★• W_H_Y • ★ • W_A_I_T - 21
(Myrtle Beach, Myrtle Beach and Surrounding Areas)