Sun 05 Jan
LeAvInG tOnIgHt 😘 40QV 70HH 💋AmAziNg ReDhEaD 💜CoMe PLaY WiTh My SliP n sLiDE 💦 #1 WaNtEd SnOwBuNnY 👯 - 27
(Columbia, Worth the drive😘 piney grove i26 104)
HOT HOT California REDHEAD ....... Great Service, Excelent rates, Wonderful Attitude, & All Natural - 24
(Greenville, Greenville near Haywood mall)
ATT. ATT. Firery FLAMING hot REDHEAD needs to be EX TING UISHED....... any takers - 28
💋$40 💦$50hh $100 💋SLiP & SLiDE-:¦:- iNTO -:¦:- YOUR -:¦:- WiLD SiDE 💦💋InToXiCaTiNg ReDhEad💋💦 - 21
(Columbia, 💋💦 Incal💦💋 piney grove)
American Spa " Tableshowers & Aromatherapy 803-731-5154 Britney & Sasha & Victoria - 21
(652-c Bush River Rd.Columbia,S.C29210, Columbia)
Easy going, beautiful natural redhead for wonderful massage and all around great experience - 34
(Columbia, Columbia, SC)
HOT HOT California REDHEAD ....... Great Service, Excelent rates, Wonderful Attitude, & All Natural - 24
(Greenville, Greenville near Haywood mall)
💦💋$40 $60hh $130hr💋💦 Leaving The Bussiness Last few days in town Don't miss out on the best Redhead - 21
(Columbia, 💋worth the drive💋 Piney Grove Rd 😘)
Sat 04 Jan
🎀$50hh Special🎀★( CaUT¡ON! ) (ReDhEaD)★ ( SuP€r » K¡Nk¥! ;) ★ (PR€ttY • HoT • T€mPT¡Ng )BIG BOOTY - 21
(Columbia, I26)
SuPeR ThiCK WHitE LusCiouS NAttY ReDHeaD!!! $$$SPeCiaLs$$$ 50-90 LenGeRie!! - 26
(Columbia, TWO NOTCH and I-77)
ATT. ATT. Firery FLAMING hot REDHEAD needs to be EX TING UISHED....... any takers - 28
Read Ad🤓40qv ⏳L👀K ❤️I LoVe WhAt I Do & yOu WiLL tO💄💋 CaTcH Me If YoU CaN😍 AmAzInG SnOwBuNny👯 - 26
(Columbia, Piney grove I26 ext 104 leaving Thursday)
American Spa-American Staff ***** 803-731-5154 ***** Blaze and Mariah ***** - 23
(Columbia, 652 Bush River Rd.Suite C)
LaSt DaY 😳40qv 70hh 😍 LeT Me Sh😜W YoU WhY ThEy LoVe Me❤️ G👀D VibEs & FuN TiMes 👯 NaTuRal ReDhEaD - 30
(Columbia, Piney grove I26 Ext 104 READ AD)
Sexy Redhead Ready to show u a great time! 8037303624 *You called the rest now call the BEST - 24
(Columbia, west Columbia NEW PICTURES)
ReAd Ad 🤓 40qv 70hh #1️⃣SnOwBuNnY 👯 NaTuRaL ReDhEaD📷 ReAl PiX 💦JuIcY🙀 BiG bOoTy🍑 CoMpLeTe KnOcK OuT👊🏻 - 30
(Columbia, Piney grove I26 104)
I'm Back $40qv $60hh $140hr *♚* §PaNkABL€ BoOtie*♚* §K¡LL€D L¡P§ & T¡GHT GR¡P§ *♚* FrEaKy ReDhEaD - 24
(Columbia, Worth the drive 😘( Piney Grove ))
Does anyone miss MAKING OUT as much as me? Why Wait? Life is Short, Kiss me BABY! - 39
(Just off 77 at exit 9a In Columbia)
GONE💋SpEc!aLs😘💋Ju!Cy BoOtiE* *Sk!LLeD L!Pz 💋💦** T!gHt GR!Pz ** 100%ReFR€aKy ReDhEaD**💋 - 24
(Columbia, Worth the drive I26 😘 Piney grove)
$40 $60 $130r★ *♚* §PaNkABL€ BoOtie*♚* §K¡LL€D L¡P§ & T¡GHT GR¡P§ *♚* FrEaKy ReDhEaD♚*★•••• ★* - - 21
(Columbia, Worth the drive 😘( Piney Grove ))
Fri 03 Jan
40qv 70hh ✨I L❤️VE What I Do & U Will To✨ Natrual Redhead ❤️ Freckle Face 💋💄 Catch Me If U Can - 28
(Columbia, Piney grove I26 ext 104)
$60▒ ❤.• WaRNInG ☜❤☞ ÅddI© +!V€ redhead⇨ LiKE ♛WhAT ♛YOU ♛SeE ♛♛Youll LoVE ♛What I Do ▄❤ - 19
(Columbia, St.Andrews •º●○☆•º●○)
American Spa " Tableshowers & Aromatherapy 803-731-5154 Britney & Sasha & Victoria - 21
(652-c Bush River Rd.Columbia,S.C29210, Columbia)
ReAd Ad 🤓 40qv 70hh #1️⃣SnOwBuNnY 👯 NaTuRaL ReDhEaD📷 ReAl PiX 💦JuIcY🙀 BiG bOoTy🍑 CoMpLeTe KnOcK OuT👊🏻 - 30
(Columbia, Piney grove I26 104)
50qv🎁70hh💄💋Read Ad💋💄 Gougous Redhead💋💄 42E Busty Freckle Face💄💋 Naughty -N- Nice🎁 Dont Miss Out - 27
(Columbia, Piney grove i26 ext 104 NO TEXT)
American Spa-American Staff 803-731-5154 Francesca & Mohogany today!!! - 23
(Columbia, 652 Bush River Rd.Suite C)
✨5⚫️qv/7⚫️hhr✨❤️G👀D V!b3s & Fun T!m3s Com3 S33 Why Th3y Lov3 M3❤️ Lexxie Taylor - 40
(Columbia, Piney Grove)
American Spa 803-731-5154 Jade Massage & Tableshowers / with Roxanne and Melanie - 23
(Columbia, 652 Bush River Rd.Suite C)
Hot Hot Redhead, 100% real PICS, No Rush No Worry ....... Have It Ur Way !!!!!!!!! - 24
(Columbia, Near Columbiana Centre off 26 Fwy)
Thu 02 Jan
😘100% Me $40 $60 $130💖✨*♚* §PaNkABL€ BoOtie*♚* §K¡LL€D L¡P§ & T¡GHT GR¡P§ *♚* FrEaKy ReDhEaD♚💖✨ - 21
(Columbia, Worth the drive 😘( Piney Grove ))
💦💋$45 $60hh $100 SpEcIaLs💦💋 0NE iN A MiLLi0N✨ ReDhEaD!! REaL DEaL ✨100% 💋💦 - 21
(Columbia, Piney grove)
New Gorgeous Cali Redhead... Visiting only (click here) pic 100% me, great rates, excellent service! - 25
Easy going, beautiful natural redhead for wonderful massage and all around great experience - 34
(Columbia, Columbia, SC)
Last Day 😘$40 $60 $130✨Touch down Baby 🏈 Come Score With Me 🏈 The Best Redhead✨Let Me Do My Magic✨ - 21
(Columbia, Worth the drive (Piney Grove))