Thu 02 Jan
Afternoon Specials with a FULL FIGURED WHITE Girl.. 60 qwk 80 half 120 hr - 26
(Columbia, st.andrews in or outcall)
(-(-(-(- ALL - AMERICAN *** BEAUTY *** Sweet Amy -)-)-)-) SPECIALS!!! IN or OUT!! - 29
(Columbia, Columbia-445-5473 SPECIALS!!!)
Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes, 34D Athletic!!! back in columbia for 2 days only so call today - 28
(columbia sc)
♛♛☆ A Great Way to Spend a Saturday Night ☆ Sweet and Sexy ☆ New Pics ☆ Nicole 803.354.7445 ☆♛♛ - 25
(Columbia, Columbia, Harbison Area)
♍803-605-8974 ೋ SeXy SnowBunnY💋 $40qv ೋ §O MANY CHOiC€§ ☆ BUt NON€ LiK€ M€ ೋ ♡♥♡Krissy♡♥♡ - 38
(Columbia, Piney Grove Exit 104 Incalls Only)
$80 hh special ☎~☎~☎ ✔I'm ☆Alw@ys ☆On ☆My ☆N@ughtiest ☆Beh@vior!! ✔☎~☎~☎ - 20
(Columbia, Columbia Harbison)
beautiful fun no rush with me beauty and im new in town so call me - 19
(Columbia, Columbia off bush river)
Allymay (: Best booty in town16075911414Young sexy extra naughty! Specials*** - 22
(Myrtle Beach, North myrtle & surrounding)
Best u ever had trust n u will be calling me back sexy redbone safe incall $100special - 19
☆☆☆☆ 60QV/80HH/150HR ☆☆ ☆Mistress of Seduction☆☆☆☆ Luscious - 26
(Columbia, Columbia/GARNER FERRY/I-77)
The girl next door you've been dreaming of
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach)
❤ New Hott Gourgous Addorable New Faces@American Spa(803)731-5154❤ - 19
(652 Bush River Rd Suite-C Off I 26, Columbia)
▃▃▃▃ 🀫🀰🀫🔴🀫🀰🀫 ▃▃▃▃▃ GRAND OPENING SPECIAL ! SPECIAL ! 🀫🀰🀫🔴🀫🀰🀫 ▃▃▃▃▃▃ 🀫🀰🀫🔴🀫🀰🀫 ▃▃▃ 803-736-9433 ▃▃▃▃▃▃ - 24
(Columbia, Columbia—🍫Next to SUBWAY🍫—803-736-9433)
🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲 🔲 🔲 🔲 🔲 ⎠⎠ AMAZING ASIAN LOVELIES ⎠⎠ NEW ENERGY call 803-798-1800 🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲 🔲 🔲 🔲 🔲 - 27
(Columbia, COLUMBIA ★ 1900 BROAD RIVER RD SUITE #17)
Real satisfying warm Full Body Massage!!!! $45 HALF HR..$90 HR with hot oil provided♡♡ - 31
(Columbia, Lake carolina area)
💋Sweet waters💦Thick 👯PAWG 💄📲 803•513•4723 📲 espanol 🆗 ⚠curvy thighs⚠ white - 26
(Columbia, Two Notch, Columbia)
Stop Searching👀👀Im Just What Youve Been Looking For 👍👍Specials Specials Specials 💵💵💫💫 - 23
(Columbia, St.Andrews)
GRAND OPENING 803-731-5154 HOT American girls - 20
(Columbia, 652-C BUSH RIVER RD. Columbia,S.C.29210)
EROTIC Full Body Massage - Certified Professional ..Highly Reviewed- INCALL - 33
(Columbia, West Columbia, Columbia)
$80 ERoTiC (~*♥*~) RuBs °*° K-N-O-C-K °*° O-U-T °*° H-O-T-T- I-E °*° (~*♥*~) ADuLt Ent. - 25
(Columbia, $80 ADULT BODY RUBS:}}}*{{{COLUMBIA}}})
Professional Model----Turning FaNASTY into REALity---White Southern Belle - 24
(Columbia, Columbia, SC)
SEX XY -- b O m bsh el l A VAi L--ABLE--- NOW - 28
(west columbia)
💋💋 Quality ... At.... Its .... Best 💋💋 Latina Princess - 21
(Charleston, goose creek/ summerville /)
((PROOF VIDEO)) Superb & TopNotch Service ❥ UPSCALE ❥ 34C BUSTY ❥ E✖ΘTiC ❥ ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ - TRANSSEXUAL / / - 19
(Columbia, Saint Andrews Rd./Harbison/Irmo)
P_E_R_ F_E _C_T! ___((( EXOTIC ))) __ Model__ --♥- HOT -♥- SEXY -♥- READY - 22
(Columbia, pineygrove rd)
READY ASAP nicole 100%passable transexual NICOLE 864-329-5095 no rush no bs great with 1st timmers - 22
(Columbia, TWO NOTCH RD)
SANTEE,sc i95 exit 98 MISS have it tour way.( $30 $30 $30)-(803-207-0423) - 23
(Columbia, SANTEE,SC I95 exit 98)
(Columbia, Columbia/off I-26)
NEW PICS!!!!~*~NeW iN toWn!!! BeSt WHITE GIRL iN ThE CaRoLiNaS! ~*~ 100% ReAl PiCs! - 23
(St. Andrews)
~ New ~ hot and sexy Brunette ready to come to you - OUTCALLS ONLY - 27
(Columbia, Columbia - Outcalls Only)